Festival of Nativities 2023

Low lights, the flicker of candles, wine, canapes, talks and glorious song added up to an amazing evening fundraising for the Priory floor levelling project.

Oh yes, and there were the Nativities, too!

From a tiny Nativity in a leaf, to a wooden one, bought in Bethlehem nearly 70 years ago, to a mouse nativity, a matchbox nativity, a Peruvian picture, a gingerbread nativity and of course the Priory’s very special Nativity diorama (where the baby Jesus will arrive at Christmas).

A trail leaflet guided guests from the start in the North Porch, through to the Priory Nativity in St Anne’s Chapel.

Three speakers explained which was their favourite nativity and why - The Chocolate Box Nativity - a gift like the gift of God’s love at Christmas and beyond - The Ship’s Mast Nativity which reminded the speaker of navigating using the wonderful stars of creation, moving in harmony together - The African Nativity where the Nativity really reflected the people who created it, just as Jesus lives in each one of us.

The Jenny Lind Singers sang four beautiful Christmas songs to the entranced audience with the glimmering Christmas tree behind them.

A wonderful evening which was enjoyed by all.

The Festival of Nativities continues, free of charge, during Priory opening hours (check the Calendar for details) until 10th December. Come along and decide which is your favourite.


Souls of our shoes


Feeding the 5,000