A weekly update from Neil and David, the Churchwardens…
Sunday 19th January, 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 2nd after Epiphany
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Priory today, the 2nd Sunday of Epiphany. A warm welcome to anybody who is visiting us for the first time. If you are at the 10.30am service please stay afterwards for a coffee and chat in the north choir aisle.
Philippa Lowe is preaching at the 10.30am service and writes “Last week we looked at new beginnings - for the two youngsters baptised, starting their journeys of faith within the church and for Adam as he completes his curacy. Today's Gospel reading relates the beginning of Jesus' ministry at the wedding at Cana, a story well known to many of us. But what does it have to say to us as Jesus' disciples here in Malvern at the start of 2025?”
After the 10.30am service today there is a Priory lunch at the Foley Arms. Do come along at about 12.30pm. All welcome - congregation members and visitors.
This afternoon at 4pm we can join Christians from all over Malvern in the Service for Christian Unity at St Matthias’ Church in Malvern Link. Then during the week there are opportunities to meet and pray in various local churches, joining in their regular times of prayer – details are in the ‘Wider Church and Community’ section below.
During next Sunday’s Morning Worship service at 10.30am, Revd David Gifford will lead us in a gentle, reflective Holocaust remembrance on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.
Please continue to pray for Roger and Rachel as Roger prepares to become our vicar.
In His Love
Neil and David, churchwardens.
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