A weekly update from Neil and David, the Churchwardens…
SSunday 26th January, 3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Priory today. A special welcome to anybody who is visiting us for the first time. If you are at the 10.30am service we are delighted to be able to invite you to stay afterwards for a coffee and chat in the north choir aisle.
Today’s service is a gentle, reflective remembrance of the Holocaust, led by Revd David Gifford. He writes: “This week many churches are remembering the Holocaust - 80 years after the liberation of Auschwitz. The Holocaust was the Nazi attempt to eradicate European Jewry, murdering 6 million men, women, children and babies - mostly in gas chambers. When its horror reached the world, a phrase was born, 'Never Again.' Sadly, that is not the case - remember Bosnia and other genocides including ones emerging today? Despite this the human spirit can surmount cruelty and barbarity; our Christian Faith calls us to work for respect for all people.”
Activity is proceeding apace on the Priory Plan. Our appointed architects, Purcell, are working with us on developing our submission and the accompanying documentation for our bid to NLHF in May of this year for Round 1 (Development Phase) funding. Current activities include further developing the options available to us that would satisfy our identified needs within an affordable budget; Purcell will consult the congregations on the preferred options. We have also engaged an experienced fundraiser to develop our fundraising strategy.
Roger and Rachel have moved into the vicarage this week. Please continue to pray for them and respect their privacy as Roger adjusts from his current role to becoming our vicar on 23rd February.
In His Love
Neil and David, churchwardens.
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