A weekly update from Neil and David, the Churchwardens…

Sunday 15th September, 16th Sunday after Trinity

Dear Friends,

Welcome to Great Malvern Priory. We do hope you feel close to God when worshipping with us today. If at the 10.30am service, you are warmly invited to stay for coffee or tea and biscuits in the north aisle afterwards.

We are particularly pleased that our archdeacon, Ven Mark Badger, is presiding and preaching at our 10.30am service today. It is always a pleasure to welcome Mark to the Priory.

The next few weeks are an important time in the life of the Priory as we seek to discern who will be called to be our next vicar. The deadline for applications was Friday, shortlisting of candidates is at the end of the month and interviews on 15th October.  Please pray for God’s guidance for everybody involved in the selection process, our PCC, bishops and archdeacon.  These are exciting but nevertheless challenging times; our area dean, Gary Crellin, at the 8.00am service last week urged us not to be anxious if we have faith in God.

The theme of recent Fellowship, Worship and Prayer evenings has been ‘Growing Together in the Vacancy’. As we await our next vicar and gear up for the busy Christmas period, we are reminded of what Paul said in his letter to the Thessalonians: ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing’.

In His Love

Neil and David, churchwardens.