There’s lots going on…

at the Priory

Meet socially at…
Church Lunch
Women’s Breakfast and Coffee Get Together
Women’s Pudding Night
Men’s Beer and Curry Evening

There’ll soon be links to take you to the right part of this page, but for the moment, please scroll down to find the section

Church Lunch

Fellowship, food…

and no washing up afterwards!

There’s no better way to get to know each other than at the monthly Priory lunch. From first-timers to old-timers, all are welcome at The Foley Arms, after the Sunday 10.30am service, usually once a month.

There’s no need to book, just come along.

Check out the Calendar or the Weekly Notice Sheet for the next lunch.

Women’s Breakfast

Good food, great company…

and an inspiring speaker

In February over 60 women enjoyed a delicious breakfast and were entertained and challenged by the Revd Becky Elliot - who spoke on ‘The wife, the mother, the dog collar’, complete with an incomplete set of juggling balls.

Between Breakfasts, we meet up for the Coffee Get Together on the first Friday of the month at Alturo Lounge, Belle View Terrace, Malvern at 10.30am for coffee and a natter.
All women are very welcome.

For details of the next Women’s Breakfast visit this page again soon.

Women’s Pudding Night

Enjoy puddings with friends…

and learn of God’s faithfulness, in the beautiful surroundings of Elmslie House Hall, in Malvern, from 7-9pm on Saturday 23rd December.

Tickets £5 each, can be booked here. All profits will be donated to CAP Malvern - Christians Against Poverty.

Mens’ Beer and Curry Evening

A great evening out…

on Thursday 3rd October, starting off at the Great Malvern Hotel and then moving on to a local curry house.

Drop James a message here if you’d like to come along.