Let there be Light!

…and there was light…as the Priory Light Party shone the good news of Jesus into All Hallows Eve (aka Hallowe’en).

Youngsters and their families, streamed through the twinkling lights decorating the North Porch to enjoy crafts as they waited for the Light Party to start.

The perennial favourite ‘Pass the Pumpkin’ got the party started with a swing as the music stopped at just the right place to ensure that everyone was able to enjoy a sweet from the pumpkins. Then the four teams of children enjoyed not-too-competitive party games, regathering in the nave for a video and songs.

Meanwhile the catering team had been busy cooking delicious sausages (vegetarian available, too) to pop into rolls, to add to the Messy Church feast.
The happy chatter of excited children settled into a crackle of crisps and munch of homemade cakes as the lights of the Priory shone into the darkness of the Hallowe’en night.

Each child left with a goodie bag, including what’s next for kids and families at the Priory - there’s lots on - from the Christmas Festival on 25th November, to the Messy Church Gingerbread Nativity (10th December) and the ever popular Christingles (23rd and 24th December, free tickets required) and much, much, more.

Keep an eye out for the Christmas page on the website, coming very soon, you’re really welcome to celebrate Advent and Christmas at the Priory.


What do vicars do the rest of the week? Part 4: The sermon


Hull, Worksop, Scarborough, Cheltenham, Eccles