Share like Sheep

It was a noisy Messy Church on Sunday!

So many enthusiastic children ‘baa-ing’ for sheep and ‘meh-ing’ for goats as they heard the parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25 31-46).

Then it was off for sheep and goat-themed crafts - decorating a biscuit with icing and white marshmallows (the pink marshmallows had heroically been separated, to appear later at tea-time!), making ‘thank you’ cards and sheep fridge magnets and painting sheep which involved some very exciting finger-painting with black paint.

In the Priory the children and their parents/carers were enthralled by the story and songs and then it was back for a joyful tea in the Lyttelton rooms (with those pink marshmallows on the home-made cakes).

It’s really great to have so many families… and so many helpers, too, that make the whole afternoon run so smoothly.

The next Messy Church is on 12 March 3-5pm, where the theme is ‘Moses’ Journey’. Look out for the posters…and see if you can spot the sheep peeping out - let’s all Share Like Sheep.


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