Persecuted for their faith
John Butterworth holds the flag of North Korea, placed number one on the 2023 World Watch List for persecuting Christians.
‘Which country’s flag is this?’ asked John Butterworth as two willing children held it aloft. Another, and another…so many countries.
Some flags were easy, others, well, they were more tricky and a couple defeated the combined grey matter of all present.
John had come to share the incredible work of charity Open Doors, which supports Christians facing persecution across the world. Places where sharing the Good News puts believers’ lives at risk…and yet Christians still worship, in secret. Places where owning a Bible could result in imprisonment or even death.
But the message of God’s love shared with all through Jesus just can’t be suppressed. The congregation heard how Enver Hoxha, the dictator in Albania, claimed to have created the World’s ‘first atheistic state’. How churches were demolished and the capital’s cathedral was turned into a volleyball court. How a Communist Captain in the Albanian Army, paid to listen to overseas radio broadcasts to monitor the threat of invasion, heard instead the invitation ‘If you want to hear more about God we will meet again tomorrow’.
And at great risk to him and his family, he did. Following the fall of Communism, Captain Berti Dosti is now Pastor Dosti, free to share the Good News over the same radio waves that he once monitored.
Albania is a good news story of church growth. The Open Doors World Watch List 2023 tells a sobering tale of persecution and sacrifice elsewhere. That North Korea comes in at number one is probably unsurprising, but few of those lucky enough to holiday in the Maldives may realise that Christianity is forbidden there. Even Believers in the Maldives who are migrant workers are watched by the authorities and prevented from gathering for worship.
John shared how Open Doors global underground networks smuggle Bibles and literature, train church leaders and other Christians, offer legal advice and provide vital practical support such as trauma care and emergency aid. And underlying everything, persecuted Christians are supported through a global prayer network.
Open Doors is one of the Priory’s Mission Partners.