A new Priory chapter begins

Priory lunch at Weatherspoons', Messy Church - Zaccheus

…with a very busy weekend. First the Women’s Breakfast and Come and Sing Choral Evensong on Saturday, then a busy Sunday of worship and fellowship…and Roger, the new Vicar, being welcomed as his ministry begins here.

Parish Communion saw the children being invited to represent the sun and the moon with a mirror and a torch…cue…where’s the reflected light?…and much searching of ancient Priory walls…before it was found illuminating the pulpit steps. But this wasn’t a science experiment, it was demonstrating theology in action. We see God in Jesus, reflecting God’s glory…and the light shines on us…and we can reflect it to others. The more we pay attention to God, the brighter the light is reflected, a theme that Roger expanded on in the sermon; we have a collective calling to live our lives as disciples reflecting God’s love, so others, too, can find Jesus.

Conversation flowed over post-service coffee before the short, vertiginous, walk/drive up the hill to parish lunch at the Foley Arms where over 30 folk enjoyed getting to know each other better and welcomed some of those new to the congregation.

Then it was back down the hill again, to set up Messy Church for ‘The Tree Party’, where the story of Jesus and Zaccheus was explored through paper, paint, sewing and extremely gooey green marshmallow crispy mix to make a tree with a chocolate-bar trunk and with Zaccheus’ eyes peeping from amongst the somewhat sticky ‘leaves’. Story and song in the Priory was followed by a delicious shared Messy Church tea.

The next Messy Church, on April 13th, explores Palm Sunday. All youngsters and their families are very welcome.


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We’ve run out of music!