A very British Camino…Episode 2

Episode 2 from the Priory’s ‘Foreign Pilgrimage Correspondent’ covers days two and three when the weather sounds rather like that in Malvern…

’Day 2
Today was our longest day 25km (15 miles) and it rained all day! We were not downhearted and we walked for about 7 hours mostly in the rain.

There were some interesting characters on the way with a great mix of nationalities; Irish, American, Chinese, Japanese, Australian to name but a few.
We saw an interesting Iron Age hill fort with stone buildings inside it. We also witnessed someone being rescued from the route by helicopter, fire engine and police car.

The path was littered with buildings with red doors, can anyone guess what they are used for? Answers in Episode 3! Hopefully less rain tomorrow…

Day 3
Hurrah it’s stopped raining! The weather was warm at times and sunny today. The terrain was rolling and our walking day shorter.

We made friends with some lively Irish folk who were incredibly laid back and an ex-RAF lady walking alone who was very friendly.

Our hotel tonight is above a bar so it could be a noisy evening with a constantly dripping loo.
Hey ho… just something us pilgrims have to put up with!’


Green lights all the way


Buen Camino Episode 1