Green lights all the way
The Rev'd Gary Crellin, with Neil, one of the Priory Churchwardens
A sizable congregation of worshippers at the Priory’s 8am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion service were delighted to welcome the Revd Gary Crellin, the Area Dean, as president and preacher today.
And Rev Gary was delighted, too. Never before on his journey from Powick to Malvern had all the traffic lights been at green…and what’s more, whilst waiting for the service to begin, he found a packet of sweets awaiting him on his seat. A doubly good start!
His sermon used driving as an illustration of how it’s not always easy to trust. Backseat driving can be challenging for the driver, even if the odd ‘watch out’ or sharp intake of breath might have prevented an accident or points on the licence. Drivers don’t like to be second-guessed.
Today’s Gospel reading (Matthew 6 v24-end) shows Jesus telling us three times not to worry, but instead to trust God. We need to put things into perspective and place our anxieties into God’s capable hands.
As the deadline for applications to be the next Vicar of Great Malvern Priory draws closer (it’s 13th September; more info here) some may be anxious as to what the future may hold. But there’s no need to worry.
’Pray more and worry less’ was the message Rev Gary wanted us to take away. And going by the conversations after the service, many will.
Next Sunday the Rev’d David Gifford will preside and preach at the 8am BCP Holy Communion, and we'll be welcoming the Ven Mark Badger, Archdeacon of Worcester, to preside and preach at the 10.30am Common Worship Holy Communion. The Rev’d Roger Latham is minister and preacher for Evensong at 6.30pm. Before that there’s Priory Messy Church with the theme ‘Stain Remover’ at 3pm in the Lyttelton Rooms, to which families are very welcome (there’s a story, crafts, songs and a delicious tea at the end).
Just another busy Priory Sunday. Do come along - all very welcome.