All good gifts

God’s gifts at harvest was the theme for Sunday’s Messy Church, where over 20 children and their mums, dads and carers heard the story of harvest festival in Marsabit, Kenya.

David, one of the Priory Readers (LLM) told of a harvest festival in a time of famine in Marsabit when he had been living there. An older lady gave all she could spare - one egg - to share with others who had even less.

Harvest-themed crafts, including painting, flower arranging, delicious rainbow fruit skewers and much more were enjoyed by the children. Then everyone went over to church to hear more stories, pray and sing together. ’We thank you Lord, for this fine day’ was very popular as new items for thanks were listed - ‘for fish and chips’ ‘for ice cream’!

A traditional Messy Church tea followed, with sandwiches, crisps, homemade cakes, fruit and juice. And at five o’clock, a stream of tired, but happy Messy Church-ers left the Lyttelton Rooms, swinging their bags of crafts, on their way home.

The next Messy Church is the Light Party, on 31st October, from 4.30-6.30pm, in the Priory.
Children with their parents/carers are most welcome - just come along




Organ Scholar fledges