
Great Malvern Priory Pet Service

‘Welcome everyone! Please do sit’

A shuffle of chairs, claws scratching on the floor, a canine sigh and the annual Priory Pets’ Blessing Service was underway.

Dogs of all sizes from Otterhound to Jack Russell-Chihuahua cross, via a glorious range of breeds, had brought their owners to the short pet-friendly afternoon service. The cats had remained comfortably at home, choosing to send their owners with their portraits. Rumour had it that there were beetles in a matchbox, too.

Voices, both human and canine were raised in a great selection of pet-friendly hymns - ‘All creatures of our God and King’, ‘Think of a world’ and the perennial favourite ‘All things bright and beautiful’.

Which day of Creation was best? Rod asked, after volunteers had read the passages from Genesis, describing each day of Creation. In the end everyone decided on the seventh day - the day of rest, when we can relax and enjoy our pets, recharging our busy lives, ready for the days ahead. Pets give so much comfort and interest and company and enrich our lives in so many ways.

Having been blessed individually, most dogs didn’t seem to want to take their owners home, as stories were shared, and each one was admired.

Dogs and their well-behaved owners are very welcome at the Priory. Do ask your owner to drop in (there’s a bowl in the North Porch), owners’ll probably enjoy the amazing architecture and sense of Priory peace.


The Generosity of God’s Love


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