Camino’s end Episode 3

The final episode from the intrepid pilgrims on the Camino, preparing themselves to return to a chilly, autumnal Malvern…

‘Day 4 of our Camino dawned sunny and warm. We were not kept awake by a dripping loo or partying locals in the bar below us on a Saturday night! Spirits were high.

The countryside was stunning, some ups and downs but plenty of interesting places along the way.
As it is Sunday, the beautiful sounds of Sunday mass came out of several churches en route.

You can see in the photos an example of a place where pilgrims could freshen up on their pilgrimage but even though I am a keen swimmer this looked less than appealing.

Finally to solve the burning question on Priory minds since day 2’s blog, what are those peculiar buildings prevalent in northern Spain? Answer maize storage containers to keep it safe from vermin.

Only about 40km to Santiago now, the excitement mounts!

Day 5
So we are approaching the end of our adventure. The day is cool but no rain, last night’s boutique Pensión’s swimming pool hit the spot for tired muscles.

We saw the chapel of St Irene which is only open once a year, decorations made from drinks cans and a house decorated with discarded boots and shoes.

We passed one wall called the wall of wisdom which sported some quotes including:
’Tourists don't know where they have been, travellers don’t know where they are going!’
’Not all who wander are lost!’

We arrive at our destination tomorrow and we are excited to reach the city of Santiago de Compostela, just 20km to go.

Day 6
So our last day of walking dawned chilly but dry.

Our penultimate hotel was comfortable but I had a difference of opinion with the staircase and missed the last 2 steps!! Undeterred we pressed on through green rolling countryside towards our ultimate destination.

As we approached Santiago the number of people rose as did the excitement. The city is beautiful, bustling and historic. The cathedral is stunning and we have booked a guided tour for tomorrow. We intend to explore the area as well as have a rest in this most beautiful of cities.

For the last time ‘Buen Camino’ and we look forward to catching up with Priory folk soon.’

Thank you to our Foreign Pilgrimage Correspondent for sharing her Camino experience.


Rescued from the mower


Green lights all the way