
was the order of the day on Sunday, as Adam, Curate at the Priory and at Malvern College celebrated his first Holy Communion services at the Priory.

In a joyful and moving service, with glorious music, Adam and eight others, was ordained at Worcester Cathedral on Saturday by the Bishop of Worcester, supported by the Bishop of Dudley, Priory Vicar, Rod, and David, Chaplain of Malvern College, together with clergy from across the Diocese.

At the Book of Common Prayer Communion service at 8am on Sunday, Adam consecrated bread and wine and gave the blessing for the first time. A few final instructions from Rod before the 10.30am service, and our new Priest presided at Holy Communion using the liturgy of Common Worship. He also successfully navigated Rod’s game of noughts and crosses in the Children’s Talk.

The Priory was packed with a substantial congregation of all ages, including friends from Malvern Parish Primary School with a guest from their link school in Tanzania.

And after the service, the coffee volunteers worked tirelessly as a slick hospitality team. Such were the numbers in the congregation that the celebration cakes soon ran out…

Cake (or biscuit) and coffee in hand, all were invited to a very enjoyable illustrated presentation on the recent Priory trip to our Partnership Church, St Katharina’s, Wolmirstedt, in the Diocese of Magdeburg in eastern Germany.

As the Bishop said of the candidates for Priesthood, as he addressed the congregation at Adam’s Ordination -
’With all God’s people they are to tell the story of God’s love’
Such love!
Congratulations, Adam, on the next step in your journey of faith. A journey we all share.


At last!


The last Benedictine departs