At last!
The view from the Children’s Area, complete with previously unseen and totally fascinating bellringers
An update from Robin, our AV Correspondent…
The long-awaited audio visual system has now been installed - you may have noticed the four cameras in the nave area and the control desk at the back of the nave on the South side. What you do not see is all the cables that connect it all together and go up into the bell tower too. But more of that later.
The original and main purpose of the system was to to enable those seated in the Children's Area in the North Aisle to be able to see what is going on in the Chancel. If you have ever sat there you will know that you feel quite cut off from the service, unable to see much of what is going on.
While doing that we have also added the capability to have other screens for large services, so those in St Giles’ and St Anne’s chapels and the South Aisle can also follow the service on screens. We have two screens and more can be hired when needed. There is no benefit for those seated in the Nave and Chancel area because they can easily participate in the service now. It’s never been the intention for the system to project words for songs and hymns onto screens for all to see - perhaps that will come in due course.
With the influence of the pandemic we have added the ability to live-stream services though there are some hoops to jump through before we do that in terms of necessary permissions.
Following the suggestion of our faithful bell-ringers, we have added a link up to the ringing chamber and beyond that into the bell chamber. The bell-ringers can now see what is going on in the church.
Joint Tower Captains Helen and Paul enthused "Can we say just how great it was for us to be aware, for the first time ever, of what was going on in the church during the recent wedding where bells had been requested. It will be hard for non-ringers to know just how much we appreciate this and what a difference it makes!"
We will also be able to show the bell-ringers and the bells themselves on the screens (see pic above) and so improve the link we have the our ringers, whose service is easily forgotten because we do not see their hard work.
It will take some practice to work out how best to use the system so please bear with us while we experiment and get the setting-up correct for the different services. There is a simple push-button operation that will work for most services and be simple to operate, and then more advanced control of the cameras using a joy-stick is also available. We also have a much-improved wifi system enabling us to use a mobile camera. The monitoring of the recently conserved Creation Window is being run through this new wifi system.
Our thanks to Chris of Kelsound who designed and installed the system and has done a great job, persevering through all the frustrations and delays due to supply problems following the pandemic. Thanks are due also to Richard who has masterminded the operation for the Priory.