Choristers, Marsabit and more

‘It’s a good morning. It’s raining'!’ announced David, (one of the Readers (LLM) at the Priory) as he started the 10.30am service with the ‘statutory notices’.

The (damp) congregation chortled in reply.

‘In Marsabit rain is a blessing, when drought always threatens’ he explained.

There’d be coffee after the service, but grab it quickly and come back to the nave, as Dylan, the Custos, will have wrangled the screen and projector into place, so everyone can be updated on life in Marsabit, N E Kenya, one of our mission partners, by the former Bishop of Marsabit, Robert, and Sue. And after that there’s Priory lunch at the Foley Arms, on one long, friendly table…it’s the people who are friendly, not the table… cue more chuckles from the congregation.

The service was doubly significant, as two Junior Choristers were admitted as full members of the Choir. Maybe you remember the blog post when they took part in their first service? Clear ‘yes’s came in answer to the questions ‘do you wish to become a full member of the choir?’ and ‘do you promise to devote your effort and skill to help us all to worship God?’. They were vested in their new white collars by the Head Choristers, the whole Choir said the Choristers’ Prayer and everyone applauded.

In his sermon Bishop Robert encouraged everybody to share the multitude of God’s blessings which we have received. He told of Mission Month in Marsabit Diocese, when students go out to share the Good News, door to door. Sometimes they were welcomed, sometimes they were turned away. They stepped out of their comfort zone. And over 1,000 people heard the Gospel.

After the service, Sue, the Bishop’s wife shared more news from Marsabit, showing uplifting images and joyful video; the fruits of mission…new churches…growing churches…confirmations…ordinations…tree churches…new schools…all in the face of a difficult security situation and a very challenging climate.

Inspired, many of the congregation wended their way up the hill, to the ‘one long, friendly table’ and to lunch. Together. Bishop and all. Encouraged and giving thanks for God’s love for everyone.
Even in the rain.
Especially in the rain.


A Priory Friday


Bellringers’ world