Christingle tickets now available - now all allocated

Update - All free tickets now allocated.

Free tickets for both ever-popular Priory Christingle services at 4pm on 23rd and 24th December are now available from…

  • The Priory Office in Church House in the Priory Churchyard 9am-1pm on Thursdays and Fridays

  • The Custos’ Office in the Priory - on the south side, behind the organ

  • The Friends’ Shop in the Priory

  • Malvern Tourist Information Centre next to the Lyttelton Well in Church Street, Malvern

Yes, the tickets are free, and are needed for both services, for everyone’s safety.

They’re likely to be distributed fast, so don’t delay!

Please be seated by 3.45pm, ready for this year’s amazing, traditional Priory celebration of Christ, the Light of the World, coming into the world to share God’s love for all.




Souls of our shoes