
As you’ve chomped through your breakfast cereal, have you ever noticed how similar Shredded Wheat is to hay?

Well, if you’ve ever come along for the Priory’s ‘Gingerbread Nativity’ Messy Church, you’ll know that it actually can be hay!

Fast becoming a Priory tradition, youngsters and their parents and carers crowded into the Lyttelton Rooms to re-create the greatest story ever told, in edible form. As the Christmas story was narrated, there were interludes for the children to decorate gingerbread cookies with multicoloured sprinkles and royal icing. They made a stable from Matchmakers, and stuck the baby Jesus (represented by a jelly baby) into the crib. The stable floor was strewn with … yes you’ve guessed it, Shredded Wheat straw. All was securely glued with icing into a fully biodegradable sandwich platter.

Rod, the vicar, was also decorated, by Rita. Who knew that Shredded Wheat could be so versatile?

With their nativities completed, and surprisingly few sprinkles eaten, the families went across the Priory to have a look at the Festival of Nativities, sing some Christmas carols, and pray, returning to the Lyttelton Rooms ready for a sumptuous Christmas tea laid on by the Messy Church volunteers.

Carefully clutching their nativities, the Messy Church congregation, shining with the joy of the Christmas story and chattering excitedly, headed into the dark December evening.

The next Messy Church is ‘Sampson’s Strength’ on January 21st 2024 3-5pm. Whether it’s your first time, or you’re a regular Messy Church-er, you’ll be most welcome. See you there!


Decorated for Christmas


Christingle tickets now available - now all allocated