Cleanliness is next to...

Priory autumn Spring clean

…in this case, education.

Another action-packed weekend at the Priory saw a happy gathering of volunteer cleaners polishing, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning and sweeping the historic and not-so historic fabric of the building.

Voices were raised in cheerful encouragement above the hum of the vacuums and the very welcome refreshment from the urn kept all on-task for the two-hour autumnal Spring clean.

Learning by encouragement was Rod’s theme in the children’s talk the next day at the 10.30 service on Education Sunday, as the complex art of tying a Priest’s knot was taught, live, to a slightly apprehensive volunteer.

He shared the story of his earlier unsuccessful, but very memorable, attempts to learn the guitar from a book without having a teacher to show and encourage him. The congregation was invited to share the names of teachers who had been important in their lives…the names kept coming.

At the end of the service, he invited all who had taught children to come to the front for the blessing. Chairs scraped on the nave floor as nearly thirty teachers of all ages moved forward.

We give thanks for all who teach, all who support them and all who learn.


A new term starts


Healing and Wholeness