Well done to the Rev Gilly Maxim

The Cathedral bells pealed and a peregrine cut through the cloudy sky as a sizable number of Priory folk gathered at Worcester Cathedral to support Gilly, as she was ordained Deacon.

Following what Bishop John described as a ‘stonking’ sermon (which he confirmed is a theological term), by Helen Stanton, the warden of Holland House, the diaconal candidates made their declarations. To the gentle chanting of the choir ‘veni, veni, veni Sancte Spiritus’, the Bishop of Dudley laid hands on each candidate in turn, praying

’Send down the Holy Spirit on your servant … for the office and work of a deacon in your church’

Holy Communion was celebrated, before the newly ordained deacons processed out through the west door of the Cathedral to rapturous applause and whoops of support.

In the west end garden, overlooking the Severn, families and friends, deacons and those they’d trained with were reunited. It was hugs and handshakes and joy and group photos all round. In the melee, many, but by no means all, of the Priory supporters gathered for a photo with Gilly, Rod and Rita and Bishop John.

But it’s so much more than ‘well done’. It’s wholehearted ‘congratulations’ for answering God’s call, juggling family and a full-time job, whilst training part-time at the Queen’s Foundation in Birmingham…but unfortunately the word ‘congratulations’ was too long to fit in the title of this blog…

We’re praying for you, Rev Maxim, and your wonderful family, as you are called to serve in the Worcester West Team Ministry. May you be richly blessed.




Henry! Do we have a stepladder?