Do it all Sunday
It was hard to keep up at the 10.30am service this morning, on what might become known as ‘Do it all Sunday’, the second Sunday in Lent.
As the Children’s Talk was announced, Rod was interrupted by a ‘reporter’ from the PBC - the Priory Broadcasting Company - in pursuit of a story. Apparently, Rod’s wife, Mrs Rita Corke, was doing a Fundraising Wing Walk. Fortunately, the aforementioned Mrs Corke was in the congregation and was also willing to be interviewed. Mrs Corke (‘you can call me ‘Rita’’) will be undertaking this magnificent feat to raise much-needed funds to make the nave floor fully accessible to all. More info, and the opportunity to donate (‘Please do!’, says Mrs Corke, sorry, Rita), will follow on this Blog, the website, social media and local press.
Chilcott’s setting of ‘God so loved the World’, sung expressively by the Choir, broke the silence, as at Communion, the chalice was offered for the first time since COVID times. The final stage in a return to ‘normality’.
No sooner was the recessional voluntary over - a glorious carillon rendition of ‘Aus de Tiefe’ (the tune to ‘Forty Days and Forty Nights’) - than the hardier members of the congregation braved the far-from-spring-like temperatures to witness the ceremonial Tree Planting on the Glebe, arranged by the Priory Environment Group. Rod did the honours in a manner befitting to her late Majesty, as the Silver Birch (Betula pendula) became the most recent sapling in the Platinum Jubilee Queen’s Green Canopy. The ceremony ended in prayer and a sharing of The Grace.
Then it was back inside the Priory for very welcome hot coffee and cakes, the latter in celebration of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of two members of the congregation. Congratulations, and ‘thank you’ to you both.
This evening services conclude with a service of Healing and Wholeness at 6.30pm, where Holy Communion will be celebrated and prayers said for those in need of support at time of difficulty. As ever, all are most welcome.