Expect the unexpected

‘Anna was very old. She’d been waiting for the Messiah all her life. How old do you think she might have been?’
The children thought…very old…you could feel the cogs whirring.
’A little older than that, she was very old’ encouraged Richard, one of the Priory Readers.
Brows furrowed and new suggestions made…
The congregation chortled.
’Even older than 70. Anna was 84. She and Simeon had been waiting. They knew they’d see the Messiah. But neither of them were expecting him to be a baby.’

Dressed in fetching tinsel, with bauble ‘earrings’ Richard explained that the Christmas season was now over, and that his decorations would have to be stored away, ready for next Christmas. At Candlemas the church turns from the manger to towards the cross.

In her sermon Rev Marje Stanton-Hyde offered a powerful image from today’s Gospel. She encouraged everyone to hold Jesus close, as Simeon had taken the baby Jesus and held him in his arms in the Temple.

During Communion the choir sang Piers Maxim’s beautiful anthem for Candlemas ‘Candle burning in the night’ and the uplifting recessional voluntary, Foster’s ‘Jubilate Deo’ was given an enthusiastic reception.

Over coffee, the latest edition of ‘The Priory Magazine’ was purchased by many, keen to catch up on Priory, Deanery and Diocese news.

Meanwhile, a photo of a fish, caught by Adam, the most recent Priory curate, was scrutinised. ‘It’s not battered…and it’s not breaded…but I don’t know what it is’ admitted one. ‘A trout, maybe?’ suggested another. It turns out that it was a 2lb rainbow trout, caught with the new rod, reel and line which Adam had bought with his very generous leaving gift from the congregation. He sends his thanks to everyone.

It’s only three weeks until the new Priory Vicar, Roger Latham, is installed at the 10.30am service on 23rd February. All are extremely welcome, regardless of which service you usually attend… and there’ll be a celebratory bring and share lunch after the service. Sign-up sheets for food are at the west end.
Looking forward to seeing you there!


What a success!