I know God loves me

Months of meetings, tens of kilos of oranges ordered and prepared, tickets printed and distributed and choir carols rehearsed, the first Priory Christingle Service filled hearts with the true spirit of Christmas this afternoon.

After last year’s appearance by SuperChristingleWoman, there was much speculation as to who might appear this year. Needless to say, there won’t be a spoiler here*, but the message was clear ‘I know God loves me’ and the invitation to take five seconds on Christmas Day (and every day!) to say that to ourselves.

As Junior Choristers shared the flame from their Christingles throughout the congregation, the lights were dimmed and the Priory filled with the mellow glow of candlelight. Hundreds of candles radiating into the darkness, illuminating the shining eyes of children as everyone softly sang ‘Silent Night’.

Leaving to an organ arrangement of ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’, the real Christmas had indeed started for those gathered today.

We look forward to welcoming tomorrow’s congregation. All the free tickets have been allocated, but a few more folk may be accommodated, as some tickets are returned on the day.

*look out for tomorrow’s post!


Scratch Nativity


The sweet scent of…