The sweet scent of…

The visitors hesitated as they descended the steps into the Priory. There was something strange in the air.

A warm, fruity smell enveloped them. Not the usual ‘church’ smell. A smell of … now what was it? … oranges!

Drawn to the east end by the sound of happy voices, they saw the joyful enthusiasm of the annual Priory Christingle Manufacturing Plant (PCMP).

Over a period of a couple of hours, over 30 volunteers turned six cases of oranges into the Christingles ready for tomorrow and Christmas Eve’s services.

And a mighty feat that was, too! There were jobs for all ages, from 7 upwards, wrapping the oranges with red tape, making the candle hole with a potato peeler, popping the candle in with a piece of pre-cut foil. Then on went the oranges to the sweets and raisins division.

On a separate production line the sweets and raisins were being carefully threaded onto cocktail sticks, to be passed to the completion division, who dextrously added four sticks to each orange.

And don’t forget the team deftly making up the candles for each adult at the Christingle Services.

As ever the Priory Urn steamed merrily as teas and coffees were shared, and delicious cakes and biscuits ensured that the PCMP workers were a truly contented group.

If you’ve got tickets for the Christingles on 23rd and 24th December at 4pm, see you soon! If for any reason you now can’t use your tickets, please do return them to the Priory, as there’s a waiting list.


I know God loves me


Sparkle and shine