The journey continues…

Putting up the quiet space. Volunteers robe up. Running repairs to the Architecture activity. Prayer Journey heros who sorted through thousands of mixed beads overnight when new supplies of gold grey and red beads failed to arrive, ensuring that the Good News Bracelets could be made.

‘No child should ever be the rear end of a caterpillar’ was the funny, but poignant thought for the day, inspired by Isaiah 6110-11.

For childhood experiences matter, and being the back end of a caterpillar in the school play, under a scratchy grey blanket, when everyone else was a butterfly was etched into the memory of that youngster, who’s now a granny.

So the volunteers of Lifepath Day 4, clad in their monks habits, were renewed afresh to inspire the children to be superheros.

And superheros they are. Several schools have walked to the Priory, and today one school was accompanied by Douglas the dog. Douglas loved Lifepath! ‘See me believing’ sang the children ‘Woof!’ interjected Douglas at the top of his voice before the next line of music.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son inspired the children to get involved. ‘Should I go back to my dad?’ pondered Ricky Yahweh out loud. ‘Yes!’ ‘No'!’ shouted the children, freshly sprayed with water from the water pistols in the party scene. Ricky did decide to return to Father Yahweh, movingly as ever.

Processing out through clouds of bubbles and waving flags, the children took home their creations from the day - brass rubbings, bookmarks, stained glass windows, bracelets, sheep with handspun tails and much more - in specially hand-made Lifepath bags. But more than that, each one takes home learning and happy memories to last a lifetime.

With one day left of Lifepath 2023, we’re really looking forward to welcoming tomorrow’s Lifepath-ers.


Lifepath 23 ends


Longest day…biggest smiles