Lifepath 23 ends

Lifepath at Great Malvern Priory

Just a few of the volunteers from Lifepath 23

A flutter of flags, a shoal of bubbles rising into the summer sky, happy children waving ‘goodbyes’… and Lifepath 23 drew to a triumphant close.

Lifepath in figures…
5 days
over 600 primary school-aged children and their teachers
19 schools
3 schools walked to Lifepath
over 100 volunteers from 20 different churches in Malvern and beyond
aged from 25 to over 90
the furthest volunteer travelled over 100 miles
10% of volunteers were first timers
13 different activities
1 play
5 volunteer reflections
1 visiting bishop
1 year of planning

Lifepath in quotes
’that play was so wonderful’ (school child)
’a chance each year for me to reflect, too’ (teacher)
’are you from a special order?’ (a visitor, who thought that the volunteers were actually monks)
’do you remember when we went to Lifepath?’ (two young women visiting the Priory)
’I’m going on eBay to get one of those’ (child admiring volunteer’s monks’ habit)
’I’m going to get some leeches’ (child inspired by Mediaeval Medicine Activity)
’I love architecture’ (child, as the arch they had just built survived the pressure test)
’Would you like to be our maths teacher?’ (child to volunteer)
’Everyone’s so friendly. It’s been a super week’ (first time volunteer)
’If you’ve eaten four cakes so far today, you all need to eat four more’ (Leader to volunteers as delicious home-made cakes rolled in on the final day)
’The monks built this place not to their glory, but to the glory of God’ (Leader to children and teachers)

But no words, no quote, can properly express the looks of awe on children’s faces on entering the Priory; the ear to ear smile breaking out as a shy youngster pulled the rope on the tower bell and it rang; the arms waving in the air to the songs; the complete immersion of the audience in the play and the total joy when the Prodigal Son returned home.

And so, too, will Lifepath. 24th-28th June 2024 to be exact.

Inspired to join us next year? As a school or as a volunteer? We’d love to hear from you! Just make contact here and we’ll take it from there.


The last Benedictine departs


The journey continues…