Is Christianity making the World better?
The School of Christian Studies met last night.
That might sound rather imposing!
But rest assured, the group gathered together and guided by Tim Marks, were keen to hear each others’ experiences and views on whether ‘Is Christianity making the World better’.
There were no right or wrong answers; many were thought-provoking and led the group down new lines of thought on this huge topic. Some had read Tom Holland’s ‘Dominion. The Making of the Western Mind’, which is an extraordinary introduction to seeing the development of Western culture through a Christian lens. American philospher Mortimer Adler‘s book ‘Six Great Ideas’ was recommended for those who wanted to read more.
Mugs of tea and coffee, biscuits and the ‘interesting’ Guinness-flavour chocolate truffles (which were a source of much intrigue in themselves) enhanced the conviviality.
The School of Christian Studies’ next discussion is on 2nd March. All are very welcome.