Modern Slavery ‘Closer than you think’
Mothers’ Union Modern Slavery Campaign
Brightly coloured knitted chains adorn the Priory gates, highlighting the dark reality of Modern Slavery.
In 2019, 136,000 women, children and men were trapped in Modern Slavery in Britain.
Malvern Priory Mothers' Union are taking part in a national campaign to raise awareness and help overcome this exploitation of humanity; we all have a part to play in stamping out injustice.
Victims are mostly very vulnerable - they are living in poverty, live in an area with little work, they live on the streets, have mental health issues or may be drug or alcohol dependent.
They are offered a job and accommodation, but there is little or no pay and they are forces to live in degrading circumstances. Often they are threatened with violence to them or others which traps them. They have a fear or mistrust of the police which stops them seeking help.
Be aware. Open your eyes to what is happening around you. Notice things and tell someone if you think something is wrong.
Call the 24hr Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700
Contact Crimestoppers 0800 432 0804
Contact the Police
Call Anti Slavery International 020 7737 9434
Call the 24hr Salvation Army confidential referral helpline 0800 808 3733
A Prayer for the MU Chain Project
Dear Lord, as we see these chains, help us to remember all those who are caught up in Modern Slavery.
We pray for those who traffic and enslave people. Change their hearts and minds so they treat fellow humans with respect and dignity and not just as a means for financial gain.
We pray for those who are enslaved that they will be releases. May they know God loves them and sent Jesus Christ to heal them and to give them courage and hope for the future. Amen