A double welcome

At the Priory Morning Worship on Sunday.

The Priory was delighted to welcome John Butterworth to share news from one of our Mission Partners, the charity Open Doors.

Supporting some of the 365 million Christians who are persecuted or discriminated against due to their faith, the congregation heard of the challenges faced by Christians on Open Doors’ World Watch List. Countries such as North Korea, Somalia, Libya, Eritrea and Yemen, where worship must be in secret and owning a Bible puts lives at risk. We were asked to continue to pray for our fellow Christians.

The Choir also welcomed two new members as Junior Choristers. It was wonderful to see them following the music, watching Piers as he conducted, and singing their hearts out as they led the congregation in the hymns.

New Junior Choristers are always welcome - no prior experience is required, just enthusiasm. Do get in contact with Piers to find out more.


Who’s next?


But where’s the butter?