Ringing the changes

The mysteries of campanology were revealed to all as the Malvern Priory Bellringers demonstrated their musical skills at nave floor level on Saturday.

The flexibility afforded by the new level nave floor was used to the max, with the assembly of the fascinating, portable, Ambergate Campanile. The Campanile, which was originally installed in a private home, is a ring of eight bells, set up just like the bells in the Priory tower, so that almost everyone could have a go at ringing.

And ring they did! Throughout the day several hundred people of all ages, from children to the more mature of years, filled the Priory with the sound of bells and laughter as they tried to master the skill. Thankfully the Priory Bellringers were on hand to give advice, rescue entangled bellropes and once an hour, they gave a demonstration.

Meanwhile the more adventurous took part in Tower Tours, where they could experience the much larger tower bells and the panoramic view from the top of the tower, passing by the historic graffiti (a visitors’ book is provided for use instead these days…) en route.

So the next time the Priory bells ring out across Malvern, calling all to worship, or to celebrate a special occasion, many more folk will think to themselves ‘I know how that’s done!’.

If you’d like to explore bellringing, then Paul and Helen the Tower Captains would be delighted to hear from you. Just contact them here.


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