Welcome back!

‘We did this at school’ a small voice piped up, as parents and godparents and children gathered round the Priory’s ancient font.

‘That’s great’ replied Adam, the Priory curate, as he tested the water temperature in the font preparing to baptise not one, but two babies.

It was wonderful to welcome back a couple to Altogether Worship with Baptism, this Sunday. They’d been married at the Priory by Rod, and are now the proud parents of beautiful twins. The children’s Baptism marked the next step in their Christian journey (…their ‘Lifepath’…). It was celebrated with enthusiasm and happiness from all present - the Nave was almost at capacity - and not a peep from the smiling youngsters as the mark of the cross was placed on their foreheads and the water of Baptism sprinkled.

Enthusiasm was the word during the children’s talk, when Adam tested out his new game ‘Unity’. He carefully explained that the children needed to match up two things that went together … ‘like chips and?’ Barely had the word left his lips before ‘salt’ was the immediate response! The task was tackled with gusto, as sun and moon, honey and bee, hat and gloves and many more were identified with shouts of glee, to the amusement of parents and congregation alike.

At Baptism we’re spiritually united with Christ, never to be the same again, Adam explained. And one day the twins will be able to make that claim for themselves, but until then they’re guided by their parents and godparents.

Tony, one of the retired priests supporting the Priory until the next priest arrives, spoke on the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. How at a church he knew, at a bring-and-share lunch, every single person brought a quiche. But Jesus is different - he feeds us physically and spiritually. And there’s always variety and there’s always some left over at the end. That miracle - the feeding of the 5,000 - began with the parents of the boy who had taught their son to share.

So the spiritual feeding of the twins has already begun. And it was symbolised by the lighting of a candle for each one of the two newest members of God’s church. That they, too, might shine as a light of Jesus’ love in this world.

We pray for their journeys…their lifepaths.


Ringing the changes


Telling the Priory story