The Generosity of God’s Love

PALs posies arrive at church; Musicians from the Orchestra prepare the parts; Tech support for the in-church video feed; Priory PAL with posies ready for delivery

Under pale blue October skies, in unseasonal Malvern warmth, the congregation of the Priory gathered, to celebrate harvest and give thanks for God’s generosity.

The church was filled with glorious locally-sourced seasonal flowers, many from the flower arrangers’ gardens and the traditional harvest loaf rested on the altar.

Bags clanking with jars and tins, packets of pasta and much more were gathered to send to Malvern Food Bank as the Priory Orchestra played before the service.

’Spot the odd one out’ asked Rod of the children, facing a row of six apples and a banana. After a degree of uncertainty (the apples were multi-coloured), the banana was successfully identified as the odd one out. Then a tougher question ‘which of the apples is the same?’ Quick as a flash, the two bright green Granny Smiths were spotted.

But what varieties were the others? Rod and an older child tested the congregation. ‘Pink Lady!’ ‘Cox!’ ‘Russet!’ 'Royal Gala!’ came the knowledgeable replies. ‘How many British varieties of apple are there?’. That stumped them - this was starting to become an apple exam - but the reason why soon became clear. ‘Over 1,500 British apple varieties and nearly 5,000 varieties worldwide’. God doesn’t just give us one apple, in his generous love he gives us thousands.

Posies of seasonal flowers were blessed, ready to be personally distributed by the PALs to those from the Priory who can’t come to church at the moment.

Hymns old and new were enjoyed by all ‘Come ye thankful people, come’, ‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’, ‘Think of a World without any Flowers’, ‘For the fruits of all Creation’ skillfully accompanied by the 12-piece all-age Orchestra.

And afterwards, over coffee, the Environment Group displayed some of the Fairtrade goods available in our local shops, helping to tackle inequalities and build communities worldwide.

Harvest gifts for the foodbank can be left at the Priory throughout the coming week, including Sunday.


Hull, Worksop, Scarborough, Cheltenham, Eccles

