What are these?
Clockwise from top left Adam is freed; Priory lunch; Messy Church tea; Messy Church volunteers limber up for Messy Church
Adam produced a bag from his pocket to show the children…his collection of seeds…and so the game began.
‘Does anyone know what this one is?’
he asked at the 10.30 service. One by one the seeds were identified, including an ever-popular ‘helicopter’ from a Sycamore, melons, an avocado, a peach stone and the super-tiny mustard seed.
Growing God’s Kingdom here on earth was the theme of the service. From Jesus’ first disciples to the over 2 billion people who now call themselves followers of Jesus Christ today. In the sermon the congregation was asked to think of TV show ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ - where the novice farmer planted wonky rows of seeds, to his amazement as they sprouted and grew, to his thrill at harvest.
Just as the farmer plants and trusts that he’ll see a return, so must we, sharing, planting, the Good News, waiting and nurturing patiently, for God’s Kingdom to grow.
At the end of the service, many from the congregation went for a convivial Priory lunch at the Foley Arms. However, it being Fathers’ Day, Adam’s family had gathered to share the day with him. Overcoming a minor hitch with an unresponsive bike lock, thanks to the ingenuity and strength of some of the congregation (Scouts really are Prepared!) he was soon able to whizz home in an eco-friendly fashion, just in time.
The afternoon saw Messy Church’s annual picnic, with exciting outdoor games, a craft activity on the theme of ‘Still small voice’, joyful singing and a delicious picnic on the Glebe.
As the Messy Church volunteers carried chairs and tables back to the Lyttelton Rooms, so the Priory Choir started to arrive, ready to rehearse for the annual Friends’ Choral Evensong.
Soon, the churchyard filled with the strains of glorious music and the congregation began to assemble. Little did they know, as the Interim Dean of Worcester Cathedral, The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Edwards, preached a ‘super sermon’, that this would be the final time before the announcement that HM the King has appointed him as the new Dean of Worcester.
Congratulations, Stephen, from all at Great Malvern Priory. May God richly bless your ministry.