We’re dreaming of a…

‘We’re looking for Richard IV’ joked one volunteer to another as they peered into the void beneath the nave floor.

For today is a very significant day.

It marks the start of the work to level the nave floor…and what a difference that will make!

No longer will folk be tripping up the four-inch step of the pew plinth, nor will they be falling down it, either…no longer will the congregation be distracted during services, as they nervously watch a chair leg migrating ominously towards The Edge…with the impending threat of sending its unwitting, load sprawling, undignified, across the aisle. Concert performers and audiences will be able to use the space flexibly…those with buggies or wheelchairs will be able to sit side by side. What a truly wonderful prospect.


and isn’t there always is a ‘but’?… that means that until 15th January the Priory will be closed to visitors. This will allow the contractors doing the work to set up safely.

Once all is safe, we intend to open the East end of the Priory to visitors as soon as we possibly can. There’ll be signs pointing to the temporary main entrance - it’s the accessible entrance on the North Transept - and there’ll be explanatory displays inside and outside the building.

There’ll be viewing windows so all can see the work as it progresses.

Do keep an eye on the website for progress updates and for the date when we re-open to visitors. Priory Sunday 10.30am services will be in Malvern College Chapel (WR14 3DF - all very welcome) and all other services will be in the Priory. Everything’s detailed on the Calendar.

Do visit the Priory and take a look when we re-open…maybe you might see Richard IV?!


Onwards and upwards


On the move