On the move

Moving day at Great Malvern Priory

It was ‘all hands on deck’ at the Priory today as preparations began in earnest, ahead of the contractors moving in to level the nave floor.

The happy hum of volunteers’ voices was punctuated with metallic clanks, as the scaffolders brought in the scaffolding, and the growl of the saw, as the pew fronts were released from the floorboards.

The Priory, which is now closed for visiting, but open for 8am and 6.30pm Sunday services until 15th January, was full of activity as…

the flower arrangers and tree-putter upper took apart the beautiful displays they had created for the Christmas season…

one of the Churchwardens trolleyed loads of service books to their temporary home until April…

the Friends’ Priory Shop volunteers cheerily carried out a stock-take and boxed up the stock for safekeeping during the work. A very organised group, they were also enjoying coffee as they worked…

the crib trolleyed its way past everyone as the Custos deconstructed it, having already stacked all the chairs ready for the removal company…

the volunteer pew-front removers lifted floorboards (‘watch out for the cables!’) and unbolted the pew fronts, struggling under their oaken weight as they moved them aside, ready to be stored…

and last but certainly not least, the scaffolders were striding back and forth, bringing equipment in from the rain-soaked, crepuscular, morning gloom of Storm Henk as they prepared to encase the organ in protective sheeting during the floor levelling work.

So, all in all, just a normal busy Priory morning!

The Priory is now closed to visitors until 15th January - please keep an eye here on the website for updates.
Worship continues…
Morning Prayer will be said in Church House on Mon-Fri until 12th January, inclusive.
Sunday 10.30am services will be held at Malvern College Chapel, College Road, Malvern WR14 3DF.
All other services will be held in the Priory. There will be no Wednesday 11.30am services until 17th January.
Everything’s detailed on the Calendar.


We’re dreaming of a…


Happy New Year