Nearer and nearer draws the time…

What amazing progress…and what a huge space the nave is!

Two members of the Priory team stood near the lectern looking into the vastness of the nave.
‘What do you think the echo’s like?’
’Don’t know. I’m not singing’
’I’ll give it a whirl [breathes in]…’Ding dong merrily on…’. Yes. It is echoey!’

By today the organ had completely disappeared behind the scaffolders’ gigantic screen construction, safely shielded from dust whilst the nave floor is levelled.

Finally, all the stacks of chairs had all been trundled out of the Priory and into the waiting removals van. The crib was wedged in safely, the stack of children’s chairs carefully added, and the van rear door closed. The engine started and they were gone. For the moment…we hope that the Priory will re-open in time for Easter.

So it’s on to the next stage - the arrival of the floor contractors to set up their workspace next week. The Priory will still be closed to visitors until 15th January.

The Priory Sunday 10.30 service will be held at Malvern College Chapel - a great opportunity to worship together in another unique and special building. The Chapel is in the main Malvern College campus on College Road, Malvern WR14 3DF. Parking is really easy, either on site or on College Road, look out for the welcomers who’ll be there to help us all. And there are loos, too.

Other Sunday services will be held in the Priory - so that’s the 8am BCP Communion and the 6.30 Epiphany Carol Service. Worshippers this Sunday will be able to experience the emptiness (but from afar, for Health and Safety reasons) and the amazing organ scaffolding, before the contractors move in.

Check back soon for further updates.


But where are the Magi?


Onwards and upwards