New beginnings at the Priory
Priory Tadpoles!
Our new stay and play group for pre-schoolers and their carers sprang to life on 7th June.
Playtime for littlies in the wonderful Priory Children’s Area in the Priory, relaxed conversation for the grown-ups, songs and a Bible story to conclude - the first Priory Tadpoles left the Priory with a spring in their step, looking forwards to next time.
Priory Tadpoles meets on first and third Wednesdays from 5th July (and not in August) in the Children’s Area from 10-11am. There’s no charge and pre-schoolers and their parents and carers are really welcome.
Why Priory Tadpoles? Well…tadpoles grow into frogs and the Priory Frogs group meets on Sundays during services. There’s more info about all children’s activities at the Priory here.