New joists arrive

There was a sense of excitement at the Priory, early today.

’Have you seen? There’s a lorry and they’re delivering timber!’ called out a member of staff as she arrived for work this morning.

The workers from Reynolds Conservation Ltd were cheerily getting on with the job of unloading the lorry of several tons of timber into the Priory, by hand.

Because of differences in the depth of the void beneath the floor, the joists will be different sizes on the north and south sides of the aisle. It was the shallower south side timbers being delivered today.

With timber neatly stacked at the Priory west end, the workers carried on building the sleeper walls that will support the joists. The lime cement mixer was working full time outside with a constant stream of barrowloads of mix being delivered as the walls grew.

Next week should see the first new joists being laid…do come and have a look for yourself through the very popular viewing windows, or check back here and on social media, for updates.


Plenty to see


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