Ready for Christmas

Planes journey west over the Malvern Hills

‘You’ll never guess what the person before me was buying’ said a member of the Priory congregation, returning (triumphant) from his task at a catalogue shop in the Retail Park, with a new kitchen bin in hand.

Indeed, it was hard to guess. ‘An umbrella? A tent? A Barbie Doll?’ No… The answer was, and this really is totally true, ‘A Christmas Tree’.

A Christmas tree. In August.

Well, it’s never too soon to prepare for the celebration of God’s gift - Jesus. Most of us won’t be buying our Christmas trees just yet as we joyfully share garden gluts of beans, plums and courgettes, but there is another way to journey to Christmas, and that’s through prayer.

At the Priory Morning Prayer is said every day except Sundays. It’s a short service of around 20 minutes, following the liturgy of Common Worship with a Psalm, Bible readings and prayers. It’s a wonderful way to spend some reflective time together, praying for those in need, and for God’s world. Prayer requests left by visitors in the Prayer Box are also offered.

Morning Prayer is popular with visitors to the Priory, and everyone’s most welcome.


Plenty to see and do on a wet day


Cleaning on high