Providing, protecting, present, unconditional love…
…four attributes of mothers.
But as David, one of the Priory Readers, explained at the 10.30 Holy Communion, anyone, yes anyone, can provide, protect, be present and show unconditional love. It’s not just a maternal trait. God - the ‘Father’- is a mother to us all. He’s the snuggly blanket that Rod, the vicar, asked Rita (his wife) to demonstrate during the children’s talk*.
At both the 8am and 10.30am services the congregation were invited to receive a single daffodil to remember their mother. Some were daffodils were taken home, others were placed on crosses in the North Porch for all to see and remember the love of God and of our mothers.
The Mothers’ Union held a very successful Bring and Buy sale during coffee, raising money to support Mothers’ Union projects in the Diocese, with cakes, crafts, plants, preserves, books and bric-a-brac flying off the tables.
If you’d like to hear David’s sermon, or to listen again, it’s available along with many other thought-provoking and enjoyable sermons and reflections given over the last few months, on the sermon page on this site. Sermons will usually appear during the week after they’ve been delivered.
* which would probably come in very handy during her upcoming fundraising wing walk. If you’d like to support the floor appeal, please follow this link.