Thank you both and God bless you

To be read to the tune of ‘A Policeman’s Lot is not an ‘appy one’…

’When the Priory last recruited a new vicar
Why, we really weren’t too sure who’d fit the bill
So we prayed - which didn’t make it any quicker
But God sent us Roderick Corke the post to fill
Well we quickly came to value Rod and Rita
Though he can be quite disorganised at times
When it comes to pastoral care he’s a world-beater
And his Christingles are more like pantomimes!
O-h! When a vicar’s parish duty’s to be done, to be done,
Rod’s approach has been a very special one.’

…so sang the lower voices of the Priory Choir, as a reprise to the Policeman’s Song, which Rod had sung both with gusto, and with cucumber, as opposed to truncheon.

It was a musical treat as several hundred folk gathered to say ‘goodbye’ to Rod - and enjoy a bring and share lunch, from tables literally groaning with food.

Friends had travelled from far and near - former Curate Jonny and his family from Leicestershire, friends from other churches in Malvern, and members of the Priory congregations gathered together. ‘Where do you worship?’ one 10.30-er asked their neighbour ‘Here - I come to the 8am!’ All were united in their desire to say ‘thank you’ to Rod and to Rita for their dedication, inspiration and enthusiasm sharing the Good News to one and all, whilst encouraging everyone to respond to God’s call on their lives.

Visitors wandered through the revelry, ‘Welcome’ leaflets in their hands, looking slightly bemused. Curate Adam spoke movingly of Rod and Rita’s ministry, gifts were given, applause echoed within the ancient walls. And everyone moved freely - because the Nave floor is level! No-one fell off, no one tripped up. What an amazing difference! - not least thanks to Rita’s terrifying ordeal Wing Walking last year.

So we say

‘thank you and God bless you, Rod and Rita. May you have a long and happy retirement’


Telling the Priory story

