to Great Malvern Priory
Everyone’s been welcome at the Priory for over 900 years and we’re delighted to welcome you, too.
There’s so much to see and experience - check out the blog (scroll down below our pic, below) for the latest Priory Happenings here in God’s living, historic church.
We are delighted that the Bishop has announced that the Rev Roger Latham has been appointed as Vicar of the Priory. He will be licensed in the Priory on Sunday 23rd February at 10.30am.
As ever, we look forward to meeting you soon.
In His love,
Neil and David
Priory Happenings
All good gifts
Messy Church harvest
Organ Scholar fledges
It’s migration season
A new term starts
Fellowship, Worship and Prayer
Cleanliness is next to...
another action-packed Priory weekend
Healing and Wholeness
The power of prayer
What do vicars do the rest of the week? Part 3: The Hospital
Being with
Plenty to see and do on a wet day
explore the Priory’s history
Ready for Christmas
Never too soon to start the journey
Cleaning on high
Unseen by many
Hidden treasure
What to add when something’s missing
All hands on deck for Priory Messy Church
Who me?
Spirits undampened
Visiting organists share their skills as the Prodigal Son returns
At last!
Reaching everyone
Adam’s Ordination
The last Benedictine departs
Brother Luke returns home
Lifepath 23 ends
..but just like Ricky, The Prodigal Son, it will return!
The journey continues…
So much to be thankful for
Longest day…biggest smiles
A Midsummer Day’s Lifepath
Why is Lifepath like sheep?
It’s all to do with weather…
Exuberance…Lifepath is GO
Dedication to education